Non-profit Book Sale Questionnaire
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If your non-profit organization sponsors a traditional used book sale or runs a bookstore, please let us know and we'll tell people about it - FOR FREE! However, we request that you print a few copies of our POSTER and place them around the sale. If you encourage people to sign up for our SALE MAIL™, you can even cut down on your mailing costs!

If you sponsor a book fair or run a for-profit store, or if you would like to highlight your sale in the surrounding states as well, click here to find out how to advertise on

Please fill out as many items as you can. Book Sale Finder reaches many people who buy LOTS of books and rely upon the information you give us. You can avoid many phone calls - and angry customers - by being as accurate and as complete as possible.

See our policies on free listings HERE.

(REQUIRED) Name and address of sponsoring non-profit organization

(REQUIRED) Contact name
(NOTE: We will not publish the following contact name or e-mail address and we will not supply this information to anyone)

(REQUIRED) Contact e-mail address
Please give us an e-mail address that is not likely to change, since this is the only way we will contact you for future sales.

(REQUIRED) Location of book sale or bookstore

(REQUIRED) 5 digit ZIP(US) or Postal Code (CA) of location where sale will be held

Is this a bookstore?

Optional: Enter phone number we can publish for people to contact you:

(REQUIRED) Dates of sale this year (and next, if possible)
If you follow a regular schedule (e.g., Saturday after Mother's Day) please let us know

Time of sale or bookstore hours

If there is a special preview, indicate when, who may attend, and the preview fee

If there is a preview for Friends only, may people join at the door and attend the preview?
Yes No (If you don't have a preview, leave these blank)

(REQUIRED) Have the books been 'picked over'? For example, have you removed valuable books to sell online? Did a book dealer have the opportunity to purchase or remove books before the sale? Or do you have an unadvertised preview?
Yes No   Why are we asking this?
If yes, please describe

Do you accept credit cards? Yes No

(REQUIRED)Do you impose any restrictions on buyers?
(Please be accurate - it's best for all concerned to know in advance what to expect.)
Yes No   Why are we asking this?
If yes, please describe

Approximate number of books   Some help with your estimate

% donated
(Note: library discards, whether or not they were originally donated, should NOT be included in this figure.)

% hardcover

Are books sorted?

Typical price range ( indicate only normal prices - not specially priced books)

Thank you for your time!

Note: If you have trouble sending the form, please let us know by e-mail instead.

Operation Book Support

©2024 BAYSYS™ Publishing and Book Sale Finder™, PO Box 452, Hudson, MA 01749
All rights reserved. This work constitutes a compiled database under US Copyright law and is registered with the US Copyright office. No portion of this work may be reproduced, copied or revised without written permission of the editor.